Saturday, March 21, 2015

Video Blog

A long long long long long long time ago I did up a video while I was still in JC for my team's Project Work presentation. Before you view the video some background information is in order.
My team was working on a theoratical way to get more people to know and learn about the Kristang Cutlure and the video below is the introduction to our presentation. It was meant as a way to get the audience to start thinking about what would happen if we lost this culture and what it would mean for Singapore culture as a whole.

After a bit of tidying up, here's the fruit of my labour. Pardon the lack of video-editing skills, thats really not one of my strong points........

The music was from E.S Posthumous and I edited it down to fit the video. The music is titled Menoutis.

Disclaimer: I do not own the copyright to any of the images that appear in the video.

And here's one I did on the 2009 Financial Crisis
The montage is a mashup of ABBA's Money Money Money and and The Winner Takes It All.

Disclaimer: I do not own the copyright to any of the images that appear in the video.

And now, after suffering all through those videos, here's a picture of a cat.

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